Costmodelling CostAdviser Professional Licence

Set up your subscription for your CostAdviser Premium Edition licence using a PayPal Account


Single user licence - £50.00 + VAT per month (£60.00 total)

2 users licence - £75.00 + VAT per month (£90.00 total)

3-5 users licence - £100.00 + VAT per month (£120.00 total)

6-10 users licence - £150.00 + VAT per month (£180.00 total)

11-20 users licence - £200.00 + VAT per month (£240.00 total)

20+ users licence - £250.00 + VAT per month (£300.00 total)

Select the number of users for which you require a licence and click the 'Subscribe' button.

You will be then taken to the PayPal log-in page.

Log-in to your PayPal Account (or create a new one if you need to do so).

Complete the required details and you're done!

CostAdviser Premium Edition monthly subscription
Number of users:

Once your payment has been received, we will send you a VAT invoice confirming each subscription payment.