Expert software for construction projects
Order of cost estimating, cost planning and detailed measurement for building and building-maintenance works.
Cost models, cost estimates, budgets, cost plans, risk analysis, bills of quantities, life cycle costs for construction projects
CostAdviser Professional is an expert software application designed to assist professionals in the construction industry with cost estimation, planning and bill of quantities production. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools that will enable you to produce the following for all types of construction projects:
Our software is fully compliant with the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) standards NRM1, NRM2,
and NRM3 3rd editions UK, October 2021. Life cycle cost models follow RICS Professional Guidance, UK, Life
Cycle Costing 1st Edition, April 2016
. Using our software ensures adherence to professional guidelines.
With its extensive libraries and up-to-date UK construction cost data, CostAdviser Professional allows users to produce detailed and reliable cost advice for UK-based construction projects quickly and efficiently. With our software you can produce initial detailed advisory budgets or estimates for hundreds of common types of building entities in minutes! Once the project has financial approval and has moved into the Contractor Engagement phase, a comprehensive NRM2-compliant bill of quantities library assists greatly in the production of bills of quantities.
CostAdviser Professional comprises a suite of packages included in one single application:
CostAdviser Professional has several unique features that set it apart from other cost estimation software and includes key features that ensures accuracy in its cost models:
These features enable construction professionals to create detailed, accurate, and reliable construction budgets efficiently, making CostAdviser Professional a unique and powerful tool in the industry.
This may all sound complex, but our software does all the hard work for you and is very easy to use with intuitive operation.
For those interested in exploring the capabilities of CostAdviser Professional, a 30-day free trial is available, offering full access to the software's features without any commitment.
Download Costmodelling CostAdviser Professional and install it on your computer
CostAdviser Professional is a Microsoft Windows based system running on Windows 10 or Windows 11. It will not run correctly on older versions of Windows.
Regrettably, CostAdviser Professional will not run on Apple Mac.
Click the link below to download the CostAdviser Professional installation program:
Save the setup file on your computer. To help resolve any Windows issues, right click on the installer and select 'Run as administrator'. This will allow you to install the program as normal.
Once you have installed CostAdviser Professional, try creating a cost model from scratch. Read the help manual within the program for more details.
If you have any installation issues, read our advice section for fixes of potential issues.
Costmodelling CostAdviser Professional - the high value, low cost application
Before buying your licence, please make sure that you have tried CostAdviser Professional and made sure that it is suitable for your needs. Remember, you can try our software under the Trial licence free for 30 days.
The Premium licence gives you full access to the program and full product-support. Each subscription extends your licence for the Premium Edition to the end of the current payment period.
Once you have set up the payment forms you will receive your Premium licence number by email, which will allow you to upgrade your Trial Edition to the Premium Edition.
By operating efficiently, with low overheads and no sales persons, we can keep our costs to a minimum passing on these savings to our customers.
Premium licences are bought by monthly subscription.
We offer three subscription methods:
All methods are easy to set up and once set up there is nothing else you need to do. Subscriptions will be taken automatically each month and you will be sent an invoice confirming the payment made. You are fully covered by the Direct Debit Guarantee for direct debit payments and by PayPal for debit and credit payments and PayPal account payments. You are always in control.
We use GoCardless to handle the direct debit payments and PayPal to handle credit/debit card and PayPal account payments. Both are extremely reputable companies.
To set up your subscription, select the your chosen method of payment:
If you do not wish to pay by monthly-subscription, you can purchase your Premium licence with an annual payment. Your licence will be valid for 12 months. Please contact us giving your details and the number of users for whom you require a licence.
You can cancel your subscription at any time - no problem, no questions asked. Just drop us a line and we will do it for you, or you can do it yourself. If you pay by direct debit, simply cancel the direct debit through your own banking facilities or if you use the PayPal facility you can click this PayPal Unsubscribe link.
Once you cancel your subscription, your Premium Edition licence will expire at the end of the current payment period and no future subscription payments will be taken.
Release date 1 January 2025
All the data presented on this website is given free-of-charge and in good faith by Costmodelling Limited for guidance only, and is covered by our terms and conditions. If you choose to use any data from our website it is under our terms and conditions.
Typical construction costs per m2 for common types of buildings
Historic, current and forecasted tender price and building cost indices
Adjustment to construction prices according to geographical location
Adjustment to construction prices according to project size (value)
Typical lifespans of common building components
Some of the unprompted testimonials we have received
"I am learning as I go but finding the software very good so far."
"I found your software very intuitive and wish you continued success."
"I've been messing with it this afternoon and have to say what a brilliant piece of software!"
"It is a very impressive piece of software!"
"Your software is excellent."
"Fantastic piece of software. Helps us out a lot. Brilliant piece of kit!"
"I'm a huge fan of the software."
"Fantastic software. Incredible customer service."
"Thank for precious support."
"May I take the opportunity to compliment Costmodelling Limited on the provision of an excellent web-site and source of data."
"It's for a new client so want to do a top notch job."
"I am very grateful for your time and expertise, you have done a very good job for us. I could not have asked for a better service. I am thinking of sending your report to the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government to indicate how private enterprise has to work with government bodies in the field of affordable housing."
If you have any questions or require any help or advice please feel free to contact us at any time and we will deal with your query straight away.
Specialists in cost modelling and cost advice for any construction project.
We have been selling our software application and have been helping clients determine accurate budgets and obtain best-value on construction projects since our incorporation in 2002.
Constant development has resulted in our latest superb cost modelling software application, CostAdviser Professional. Details can be found in our software area.
We are a private limited company registered in England and Wales Number 04364665.
Our registered office is: Unit 8, 414a Glenshane Enterprise Centre, Ballyquin Rd, Dungiven, Derry BT47 4NQ.
Our email address is:
Our VAT registration number is: 136 6338 07.
If you have any questions or require any help or advice please feel free to contact us at any time and we will deal with your query straight away.
Drop a line to us. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Please feel free to get in touch with us at any time if you wish to discuss anything, require any advice, or should you want any further information. We look forward to hearing from you.
Our telephone, email and postal contact details are: